So yes, I have a project called ''madness project nexus 2d'' or also ''madess project nexus 2 for the poor'' which would be like a classic madness project nexus but with the story and aspects of the new madness project nexus, but there are 2 problems
1: I need the madness project nexus 2 sprites, shootdacheese is making them, but he hasn't finished all the sprites
2: I have no idea how to code or make a game
so if someone wants to collaborate with the project then go ahead
hello, i see potential to this, i don't know how but for luckly destiny stuff i found these:
i can't code, but i can animate (the animation for the madness day i made was made with lack of time in 1 day so sorry for that but i still animate decent XD). So yeah, hope you got luck and maybe see you in another time
thank's dude